CvSU Naic celebrated its 56th Foundation Day last February 14, 2017. Mr. Alvin S. Mojica, Department Head of Provincial Cooperative Livelihood and Entrepreneurial Development Office was invited as Guest of Honor. This year’s program was held at the CvSU Naic ground and hosted by Engr. Ervin F. Papa and Ms. Rhonalyn C. Papa.
The celebration was started with an Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service led by Prof. John Xavier B. Nepomuceno and followed by a program for the faculty & staff which included the presentation of service awardees and retirees.
The afternoon celebration was highlighted by Testimonial Ceremony for Licensure Examination for Fisheries Technologists (LEFT) and Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) passers for 2016. Simultaneous to the afternoon activity was the Student Hours which showcased the Organization’s Booths, Battle of the Bands and the DOTA Tournament.

The Hosts: Mr. Ervin F. Papa & Ms. Rhonalyn C. Papa

The Guest of Honor, Mr. Alvin S. Mojica

Service awardee, Prof. Elvira V. Belleza

Retiree, Ms. Bernardita C. Cachuela

The PEP Squad

Battle of the Bands Winners

DOTA Tournament