Libraries are source of entertainment and education for youngsters as well as adults. A library not only helps to inculcate the habit of reading but also inculcates a thirst for knowledge, which makes a person humble and open to new ideas throughout his/her life. Thus, our library continues to develop, maintain and integrate information resources, services and facilities and keep abreast with the functions/activities of the institution while constantly adjusting to meet the changing needs of the community.
The Campus Library is located at the right wing of the campus and it is parallel to other facilities. It is conveniently accessible to students and faculty. It holds a collection of books, journals, and audio-visual materials sufficient to support the instructional, curricular and research programs of the institution.
The Library adopts the Open Shelves System wherein students can access books and other references much easier. Books are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification System.
Library that will recognized for its excellent service as its contribution to the development of globally competitive and morally upright individuals.
Library shall provide excellent, equitable and relevant library services and resources in support with the University’s mission.
To support the University in its main thrust of field of expertise by providing adequate, updated and relevant collection of research and reference materials to its clientele composed of students, faculty, and other researches in the community.
The Library aims to:
1. Establish a collection that will provide adequate and update materials for its clientele in the university, in the particular, and in the area in general.
2. Encourage maximum utilization of its collection by making it readily available and accessible to the users.
3. Supplement instruction by coordinating with other colleges in the selection and recommendation for acquiring new books and other library materials.
Library Collections
Online Database
Audio Visual Materials
Library Personnel
Rien Rose V. Salvador
College Librarian II
Kristine M. Mojica
Librarian I
Glaiza G. Catcalin
Administrative Aide IV
Joanna Marie D. Barrera
Administrative Aide I
Library Hours
Regular Semester
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m
Saturday 7:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m
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